Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Path of the Righteous Man

You make a right turn at the fork. At the surface it seems like such an inconsequential decision that you never give a second thought as to what the outcome would've been if you had made the left. You continue down the path of the "righteous" man as you live out the remainder of that decision before you make the next. And that's life -- just a series of gambles and bets. Even the choices you don't make are choices in itself. Even the righteous man has their own list of regrets.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mirage of a Celebrity Crush Collage

If I'm speechless I'm sorry
You're eyes lost me entirely
When I say I'm in love, I'm still putting it mildly

98 Degrees & Palm Trees

Just a Kid at the Beach

 Young Andrew
You were that kid once, digging holes in the sand.
The grains began to form in the creases between your toes and hands.
Adults only understand that you've made a mess of the land.
"Andrew quit playing with the dirt," they would demand.
But you're just a kid so you shouldn't listen.
You know somewhere there is gold that's been buried and missing.

Nature Thoughts

There's something about nature we take for granted. 
Maybe it's the bottles we toss once we've drank it, or the trees we cut down bare handed. 
Yet here we are planted on this granite posing for a candid. 
Man did we wish the sharp edges were smooth like the sand is.
As close as we are, sometimes we do exist on different planets.
But that's okay, because space and time are forces to be managed.

Photo Credit: Josh Romero

Friday, August 15, 2014

Trip to the Everglades

Just some photos I managed to catch on a vacation trip to the Everglades in Florida. Enjoy!